Our company is one of a kind characterized by a uniqueness. We are the commercial representative of an extensive portfolio of state-of-the-art medical devices by leading manufacturers worldwide with a clientele including all Public and Private Hospitals in Greece. At the same time, we are the Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) and Logistics Center for all the Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers of the HHG.
Our Vision is to be a leading provider of medical devices and value-added services in healthcare organizations in Greece.
We are developing our commercial activity intensively, through the expansion of our customer base and the enrichment of our portfolio with products from our active and new partnerships with leading manufacturers worldwide, the introduction in the Greek market of novel technology medical products that ensure superior clinical results and through the improvement of the cost of treatments. At the same time, we continuously invest in the scientific and technical training of our sales team, who are close to the healthcare professionals to provide consulting, technical and clinical application services.
We have also developed a modern ecosystem of services for all the hospitals and diagnostic centers of the HHG in Greece and Cyprus and, we serve with dedication to our values our internal customers: high quality supplies, cost improvement, efficiency and resources saving and supply chain assurance.
Leveraging our people’s know-how and our existing infrastructure, we are expanding our range of services and targeting every healthcare institution in Greece, providing integrated services of a Centralized Procurement Organization (GPO) specialized in the Healthcare sector, ensuring significant benefits for our customers from our cooperation.
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